Truth About Diets - Part 5

In part 5, Exercise Physiologist Bryan Haycock explains the benefits and issues with the popular low carb diet. He elaborates on why people commonly experience feelings of lethargy and difficulty focusing during the early phases of a low carb diet and some common mistakes people make as they progress through this type of diet.

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Truth About Diets - Part 4

Exercise Physiologist Bryan Haycock explains the benefits of the 40 / 30 / 30 diet (popularized by the Zone Diet). He explains how this diet  enhances satiety by focusing on healthy fats, protein, and high-fiber carbohydrates to slow the release of insulin.

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Truth About Diets - Part 3

In part 3, Exercise Physiologist Bryan Haycock explains the benefits and challenges to be aware of during a low fat diet. He elaborates on the importance of focusing on healthy fats, high-fiber carbohydrates, and exercise to get the best results. 

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